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Curriculum Vitae

A summary of Baker's CV is available in the sections below. You may download a comprehensive curriculum vitae using the button below.


Ph.D. Music Education | 2024

Temple University

Completing the requirements for a Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education and Choral Conducting. Research focusing on the Imposter Phenomenon in various areas of music education. 

M.A. Teaching | 2017

University of Central Missouri

Completed the requirements for a Master of Arts in Teaching.

Focus areas included Content Area Literacy and Instructional Technology. 

BFA Theater & Voice | 2015

University of Kansas

Completed the requirements for a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater and Voice Performance. Earned a Research Endorsement for work in musical theater history.  

Teaching Experience

2020 - 2024

Teaching Assistant
Temple University

Worked as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the following courses:

Assessment of Music Learning, Music Learning and Development
Teaching General Music in Inclusive Populations,
Teaching Students with Special Needs, Teaching Choral Music in Inclusive Populations, School Choral Ensembles, Jazz Vocal Education, and Instrumental Jazz Education.


Director of Choirs
Olathe East HS

Oversaw a program including five curricular ensembles, two mainstage musicals and two chamber musicals each year. 
Premiered works by Libby Larsen and Ryan Main. 


Assistant Director of Choirs
Liberty Senior HS

Lead taught two curricular ensembles and one extra-curricular chamber ensemble. Co-taught and accompanied an additional three curricular ensembles and one extra-curricular chamber ensemble. 

Professional Experience & Training

2020 - 2023

Collaborative Pianist
Philadelphia Gay Men's Chorus

Served as rehearsal assistant and accompanist for the primary ensemble of the Philadelphia Gay Men's chorus. Accompany and guest conduct the PGMC's chamber ensemble, Brotherly Love (BROLO). 

2016 - Present

Director of Music Ministry
Various Locations

Served as the Director of Music Ministry in various congregations, including Northminster Presbyterian in Englewood, MO (2016-2018), First Lutheran in Mission Hills, KS (2018-2020), Atonement Lutheran in Philadelphia, PA (2021-2022), and the Unitarian Society of Germantown in Philadelphia, PA (2022-Current). 


Conducting Fellow
Orthodox Music Workshop

Invited as a Conducting Fellow to the Orthodox Choral Music Workshop at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO. Workshop faculty included Dr. Anthony Maglione (William Jewell College), Benedict Sheehan (St. Tikhon's Monastery), and Dr. Vladimir Morosan (Musica Russica). 

2022 - 2023

Graduate Music Fellow

The Presser Foundation

Selected as the inaugural Graduate Music Fellow for The Presser Foundation. Duties will include attending and reviewing performances funded by The Foundation, as well as opportunities to collaborate and receive mentorship from the Board of Trustees. 


Continuing Education

Westminster Choir College

Took continuing education courses at Westminster Choir College, including History & Philosophy of Music Education (Dr. Janet Cape), Psychology of Music (Dr. Sangmi Kang), and Choral Music Education (Dr. Jason Vodicka). 

Awards & Honors


Finalist, American Prize

Baker's debut album, Walking Through the Valley: Choral Music from Black Composers 1919-2022 named a Finalist for the American Prize in Choral Performance, Professional Division


Semifinalist, American Prize

Baker's debut album, Walking Through the Valley: Choral Music from Black Composers 1919-2022 named a Semifinalist for the Ernst Bacon American Prize for the Performance of American Music, Professional Division


Presser Foundation
Graduate Music Award

Awarded the 2022 Presser Foundation Graduate Music Award at Temple University. The $10,000 award will fund a professional recording of choral works by black composers in the Summer of 2022.


University Fellowship

Awarded a University Fellowship, the second highest graduate award at Temple University. The Fellowship offers a full-tuition remission alongside a generous stipend with no work requirements for Years 1 and 4 of the doctoral program. Fellows serve as Teaching Assistants in their home department for Years 2 and 3 of their program. 


Finalist, American Prize

Served as Assistant Director and Accompanist for the Liberty High School Chamber Choir who were named Finalists for the American Prize in Choral Performance, High School Division.


Tom P. & Shirley Rea
Memorial Award

The University of Kansas denotes one graduating musician each year to receive the award. The award honors excellence in performance and collaboration throughout a student's degree. 





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